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How Google’s cookie policy will affect Marketers?

Google and marketers have long relied on cookies to advertise, from personalized ads to push notifications, thus, enhancing the web experience. This strategy brought in new features and a space for marketers to explore. Negative impacts also surfaced, such as the misuse of cookie policy, some organizations for theft and fraud. In response, Google announced an update to enhance personal information protection and data safety, placing marketers in a dilemma.

Google Cookie policy always takes everyone by surprise.

In what ways does Google’s updated cookie policy pose a dilemma for marketers?

The update gives Google unprecedented control over crucial metrics like cost per lead, impressions, and clicks. This power shift raises concerns about the potential extreme impact on revenue. Traditional tactics, followed for the last two decades, may need to evolve to meet these challenges. Embracing new, modern solutions becomes imperative to enhance results.

Marketing is known as the expense center of an organization, and this update has impacted the control of marketers over crucial metrics like Cost per click (CPC), impression, and Click-through rate (CTR). This power shift will affect the revenue to an extreme level, making the traditional tactics useless. Bringing in the need for new modern solutions to conquer the cookie policy. 

If Google is coming up with personal information protection then you come up with a solution.

Redirect the Advertising Budget

While Google is still processing the updates to eliminate the cookie policy, you can utilize your time in collecting existing data. And redirect your marketing expenses and data to alternative platforms like Meta, and Pinterest. Here are some tips that you consider while running ads.

Facebook and Instagram are known for their users and personalized features. While publishing an ad you can either upload your CSV file or personalize your target audience with geographical area, income, age, and even gender. 

When it comes to targeting, our expert advice is to remove age and gender as targets because they act as constraints. These days these are mere numbers and posing such things in your ads could limit your choices and you will miss out on potential customers.

Target your audience with precision, leverage custom bidding for budget flexibility, and enjoy the less competitive landscape. Many startups have boosted their revenue 8x through Pinterest ads. Before you dive in, conduct some analytics research to align with your brand’s target audience. Let’s make your brand shine on Pinterest!

Pinterest is not just a visual delight, it’s a powerhouse for your brand’s success. If your brand sells services to female professionals and homemakers, then it is a good-to-go advertising platform. But, why consider this as an ad platform? Because it is less competitive and provides ease of custom bidding, making it affordable. Many new startups have increased their revenue 8x using the Pinterest Ad. But, before you dive in, conduct some analytics research to manipulate the platform for your brand.

Is your target audience located near your store? Then use a fresh approach to target your audience; look for a location where you can get maximum eyeballs, and hook them with creativity. If you are using billboards, then do use bold text and vibrant visuals for maximum impact, whereas you can even utilize offline marketing to launch your brand campaigns. 

Take an idea from the 1980s Pepsi’s launch campaign, they launched the Nationwide Blind Taste Test, where they set up a stall in a busy area and asked people to taste and rate the best taste. The result showed that Pepsi was better rated by the people than Coca-Cola giving a boost to their revenue. 

Want to include such a marketing campaign for your brand? Take the experts in the loop who can help you analyze and strategize the right way of marketing. Click and unleash the power of performance marketing services. 

Search and emphasize on the best of cookie policy.

Reconnect and Research

Coca-Cola has been in business for the last 140 years and has been accompanying every party, wedding, or outing. How are they maintaining that brand image? Because they never miss a chance to amaze their consumers with their innovative campaigns like the “Santa Clause Campaign” in the 1930s to “Share a Coke” in 2012.

Are you lacking resources? There are times in the marketing industry when brands have limited resources thus, you can use other ideas to connect. If you already have the data of existing consumers, reconnect with them using other channels like WhatsApp marketing, Email Marketing, or push notifications in case of an app. By staying in touch with them and targeting them with a personalized message then you can not only win hearts but also build a lasting connection that brings in sales. 

For your established brand, consider adopting a similar approach. Reconnect with your consumers through personalized messages via mail or other channels. Staying in touch and targeting them with personalized messages can not only win hearts but also build a lasting connection that translates into increased sales. If you have an app, leverage push notifications to reinforce this connection. In today’s marketing landscape, remarketing is crucial. Utilize your data to offer exciting discounts and drive sales.

Whereas, if your brand is new and finding ways to generate revenues. Then invest your resources in market research and utilize their insights into your advertising. This method even fits well-established brands. 

If Google is coming up with the update you can come up with the trick.

Put budget on the safe sides

Tight on Budget? Can’t risk your resources? No issues, many advertising services are like walled gardens, and the changes just don’t hurt them much. These spots promise slow growth but no risk. But, make sure that while choosing these methods, because if you want to be in the market for the longest. You have to learn the market speed, you should know when to become a rabbit and when to become a tortoise. We have mentioned some types of walled-garden advertising, that you can also use for your brand.

Influencer marketing is an impactful way to target your potential consumers. Influencers are real people, with the power of manipulation. They interact with their target audience daily and build a transparent and personal connection with them.  The versatility of influencer marketing is noteworthy, you can use it for B2B and B2C. Several brands serve as exemplary examples, demonstrating the success of Influencer Marketing.

A compelling case study of Audible showcases the success of Influencer Marketing. They used influencers to build brand awareness, and after building a reputation, they used sponsored ads. This approach resulted in 83 million new users which is an impressive outcome.

Regardless of industry, you’re likely to observe a saturated and competitive market. To shine in this competitive market with those repetitive promises is quite difficult, but not impossible. You can get inspiration from Zara, when they launched it the market was already flooded with other clothing brands (H&M, Forever 21, or Uniqlo). They used the traditional advertising tactics but, innovatively strengthened their backend operations. By introducing a fast and unique supply chain model, Zara reached consumers quickly, catapulting itself as the best in the fast-fashion world.

Surveys indicate that by 2025, approximately 75% of the world’s population will prioritize personal information protection. Therefore, it’s crucial to start working on solutions today to address this cookie policy in the future effectively. For now, start with the three steps mentioned above, however, there’s an additional step to consider in tackling this challenge. While collecting data prioritize transparency over marketing, and do make them feel safe and maintain their trust at all costs. Other than this, do update your privacy policy for the website and make it favorable to Google’s terms.

Don’t limit your marketing to online resources. Invest in innovative approaches, recruiting skilled professionals, and prioritizing consumer trust. Because you have to step into the consumer’s shoes to target them effectively. If you aren’t able to do that, seek expert guidance, and consider outsourcing your Marketing Team from The Brand Daddy for a comprehensive discussion, analysis, and discovery of tailored solutions for your brand’s success.

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