5 Proven Ways & Strategies To Increase Brand Sales

Are you a brand owner? Struggling, with the question, How to get more sales? Even if you are not able to enter Shark Tank, you can still generate revenue using these ways and strategies to increase sales. The experts at The Brand Daddy have thoroughly researched insights from various sources and come up with effective content marketing strategies to increase your brand’s sales. For this modern marketing, you simply need skilled individuals who can implement these strategies with foolproof expertise.

Proceed with caution: If you’re not ready for explosive growth, this may not be for you.

Before making a purchase, individuals go through sales cycle stages. Thus, as a brand owner, you need to consider all the phases and address the pain points that arise during each phase. Therefore, let’s analyze all these stages based on your product and service. Implement these strategies based on your specific needs or goals.

If people don't know then your brand doesn't exist.

Awareness is the knowledge that something exists or understanding of a situation or subject at present based on information or experience.

Cambridge Dictionary

Your customer is unaware of your product. They have just encountered the problem and are in search of a solution. Here your action comes into play, you must define it to make your customer aware. 

If you have a limited budget but still want to increase awareness of your product or service with content marketing. Target the keywords and platform they search for related to your products. We have curated a list of platforms that you can prefer as per your product and service.

  1. Have a clothing store? Then, use influencer marketing and meta ads because this platform is popular among the general public. People usually buy from the experience of the influencers when they buy those products. 
  2. Are you selling courses or tech services? If you have a high-end product or self-learning courses, consider using YouTube ads and Google ads. (Do you know their latest update? Read it here.) Choose the platform that you feel is convenient and budget-friendly. These platforms are expensive and may have high CPC whereas, return is also overwhelming. You may close a deal that is worth the amount you spend on Google ads.
  3. Is your main target audience working professionals? Working professionals are great but, when you target these people, make sure you have some patience with them. Target them on LinkedIn rather than on Instagram and Meta. 
  4. If you own a skincare brand, it’s crucial to research and target your customers according to their needs. People consider skincare purchases carefully, so gaining their trust is key. Offering trial packs is a great way to do this—they’re affordable, convenient, and instill confidence in your products. If you don’t have a website, consider platforms like Symtten to offer trial services.

If you have any other kind of business drop a comment and we will help you with the right platform. 

Also, remember, copy-pasting these methods won’t work here, because if you are selling just a mere product then they won’t sell. Selling stories and aspirations makes products more relatable and personal. So, you need to build a story around that context. If you are unable to build a story around your service and product. Take your customer’s story and others will relate to it automatically.

The most important sales cycle stages in the selling cycle, you either win or lose. To win this phase, you have to work hard. The more your customers contemplate, the higher the chances you’ll lose the game.

To close a sale, you have to analyze the customer’s profile and present them with offers that can help you seal the deal. You can use content marketing strategy and give them offer discounts or quality guarantees. If they are losing trust in your brand, showcase testimonials to build credibility. Ensure you allocate a significant portion of your budget to this phase; otherwise, you may lose potential customers. This is the most important way or strategy to increase sales.

If you can influence your target audience in the consideration phase, closing the sale is just a click away. Just an ‘add to cart’ and ‘buy now’ button are left for the person to tap on. At this stage, you secure the sale. After this phase, your delivery and product quality are tested, which reflects on your product and services.

If the consumer is happy with your product and service, then congratulations! You have secured a relationship rather than just customer. If you see any consumer returning then you can add a freebie or a thank you note to make them happier. Make sure to keep your retained consumer happy.

The last stage showcases the loyalty of your consumers to your brand. In this phase, consumers start advocating for your product and engaging in word-of-mouth marketing. Thus, become advocates for your brand. Utilize this stage to gather customer reviews and add these satisfied customers to your list.

Now that you know the main factors, make a list and start investing your time and energy in each respective phase. Make a list and start investing your time and energy in your respective phase. If you manage your time and energy for each phase accordingly, you can achieve overwhelming results.


Unique Value Proposition

This is the most crucial and difficult step in increasing brand sales. Whichever industry your brand puts its feet in. It’s going to be full of competitors; therefore, you need to think like a marketer and come up with an marketing strategy to boost sales and also offers something better. Many competitors are already doing it, Mcaffeine came into play and succeeded in nearly a year. Do you know how? They brought something new to the table and that was coffee as a natural and effective skincare ingredient. You can also introduce something commonly used element but not yet commercialized.

Is your brand getting visibility?

Response Time

When a person is searching for a solution, they need immediate answers. Thus, you need to reply to their questions and worries as fast as you can. The more time you take in replying the more you lose your potential customer. Seize every opportunity, whether it’s on Amazon, Google, or through a phone call, to respond to your consumer. Do it, as fast as you can! Research shows that vendors who respond to customers as soon as possible can see a 30-40% increase in revenue.

Follow up is a way and strategies to increase sales.


Usually, the business development team repeats a common problem and that is no follow-up after the person says “No” to your services. Researches show that around 80% of customers say “No” around four times before they say “Yes”. Therefore, follow-ups and showcases the benefit of your product and service every time to poke them. 

And do remember, while doing a follow-up with your customers, don’t irritate them. To avoid this, use other means of communication. Ping them a message over WhatsApp, email, or SMS. Even if your customer is not listening to your words, they can read them and get converted.

How to get more sales? By creating urgency.


If customers take some time to make a purchase, they probably end up making none in the end. Thus, to tackle this problem you have to create tension around your customers and pressure them to make a decision as fast as possible. This stage decide answer to your question, “How to get more sales?” Use following tricks to appeal your customers.

For example, ‘Buy today or lose out on saving a thousand bucks!’ This way you can take advantage of their desire and make a deal out of this. Want help creating such urgency for your consumers? Schedule a call with our The Brand Daddy experts and make it a reality.

Personalization is the new demand of this growing era.


When brands send out personalized messages they can make a personal impact on the consumers. It even engages the user to open the app, or email with the maximum possibility of conversion. Here are the top brands using this strategy to generate billions of profit revenue.

Notebooks are popular items, either out of necessity or for the aesthetic appeal they add to one’s collection. Classmate is known for the best quality notebook, they just added a touch of personalization that no one ever thought of. The notebook is covered with personalized quotes and pictures. Making it more appealing!

They came up with a marketing strategy where they engraved names on earbuds with a matte finish. Making it personalized and aesthetic, which generated around 10% of profit and doubled up their engagement.  

Zomato is just a mere food delivery service but, they have turned their marketing into the most interesting and engaging metrics. It has such an impact on people that when a person wants to get food delivered home, they say. “Let’s do Zomato” and not “Let’s order food online”. To make it more impactful they have started using personalized messages in their DM’s, comments, push notifications, and Whatsapp messages. 

Thus, these examples show that personalization can be applied to any industry. The result can vary but, when implemented correctly it will show great results. 

Being a small business owner you might be tight on budget. Here’s a pro tip for you to consider. You can leverage a social media marketing strategy to boost sales. Creating a campaign that generates FOMO around your product can make it a hit. Need assistance? Click now for support.

Don’t be stressed about these marketing terms, these are all targeted towards the general public because everything that sells caters to the general public. Therefore, you need to think like a customer rather than just a business owner. To increase your sales, focus on the awareness and consideration phases in the selling cycle. During this phase, you can highlight the problems or solutions your customers are seeking.

If you can’t identify something like this, seek the help of experts. Let’s launch a campaign to help you achieve an 8x revenue increase.

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